Implementation Outline

Project Name: Every Child has a Voice

Audience: Special School Coalition, Texas Education Agency, Education Administrators, Speech-Language Pathologists, school teachers/staff, and parents

Summary: Provide neurodivergent students with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to be used in the classroom and throughout campus. The classroom setting will provide students with 100% technology-based resources such as AAC devices, iPads, and other sensory-focused tools that will allow a safe space for students to actively engage in their learning process without any communication restraints.

Phase 1: Planning and Initial Development (Year 1)

  • Analyze best option of AAC device to distribute in support of the program
  • Establish invoice and warranty information
  • Utilize compiled analytical data to secure funding, research, and development support

Phase 2: Initial Development and Soft Launch (Year 2)

  • Hire Speech Pathologists/Occupational therapist to conduct tutorial workshops for teachers involved in the program
    • Qualifications: AAC Certification or extensive experience utilizing AAC devices in educational or instructional form
  • Utilize the Registrar, Special Education teacher, on-campus Speech Pathologist, and parents to establish a list of students to participate in Beta summer class
  • Work with the elected teacher(s), Speech Pathologist, and administrator to establish a curriculum that aligns with the use and productivity of an AAC device
  • Execute soft lunch summer school program. 
  • With the use of achievement and performance testing from students along with survey assessments from parents and summative updates from teacher(s), data will be collected every three weeks,

Phase 3: Development Research (Year 3-4) 

  • Report on results and feedback of phase 2 soft launch to the SSC, as well as the other organizations and personnel that stand to be allies in this effort
  • Establish the widespread utilization of improved AAC devices and applications throughout both public and private sectors of education to ensure all neurodivergent individuals are equipped with the proper amount of support
  • Secure long-term funding and support for further renditions of the program geared towards varied education curriculum and social settings

Phase 4: Final Objective (Year 5-10)

  • Work with technology development programs like the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on AAC and others to create AAC devices that expand the device’s capabilities in both educational and social environments.