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My ePortfolio Journey
Utilizing ePortfolois is very new to me, as an Army Leadership Instructor ePortfolios is not something that’s utilized in our course curriculum. I initially viewed ePortfolios as a digital resume so to speak. In the Army we utilize portfolios for many different tasks from personnel files to equipment record keeping and many other things, that was the original view I had of the purpose of an ePortfolio. Luckily, I’ve had the opportunity to take an in-depth dive into the real meaning and purpose of an ePortfolio and I was blown away by the endless learning and teaching potential that is facilitated by the utilization of ePortfolios.
An ePortfolio is basically a digital collection of things a student or employee has achieved or still wants to achieve. By utilizing an ePortfolio, a student/employee can track, reflect, and/or asses his progress to be able to maximize their full potential regarding their personal growth. Using ePorfolios gives students/employees a personalized method of learning and growing, directly connecting the results their getting and the goals they want. An ePortfolio also serves as the individuals on story of who they are based on how their owning their learning experience and how they’re holding themselves accountable.
Since I’ve had the opportunity to use the ePortfolio system and really become knowledgeable with what it provides, I have gained a new outlook on the process of both learning and teaching. Coming from the perspective of an Army Instructor, everything results based preplanned checked the box style of teaching. This style of teaching kills innovation and disconnects the students from the topics being taught. I now have a real curiosity to further explore the changing ideals of what it really means to learn and more importantly, what it means to teach. I look forward to continuing my journey of discovery going further in-depth into all the benefits to be gained from using ePortfolios.
-Michael Harrell